Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trunk Full Of Poems: Cocoa The Kid (2004)

Too many Yoo-Hoos and too many kisses,
Milk Duds and Goobers were his favorite dishes,
The liquid inside him was thicker than blood,
The blood in his veins was the color of mud,
His heart was amazing, it pumped like a soldier,
Gooey and chewie, but strong as a boulder,
Whenever he'd sweat you could bet he smelled good,
He could run up a tree on one knee- yes he could,
All energy to spare he was constantly running,
He could go on for days in a haze, it was stunning,
His teeth slightly brown and his breath like hot chocolate,
An emergency stash of Chupa Chups in his pocket,
There was only one substance to slow down his pace,
Some Vanilla Extract, just a miniscule taste,
It made his eyes goosey, it made his lips tremble,
His brain would explode like a toad and reassemble,
Then finally he stops and he flops to a deep sleep,
Dreaming of sheepies and Little Bo Peep,
But the very next morning he would jump out of bed,
One Tootsie Roll would go right to his head,
Cocoa the Kid is reborn and he's hyper,
When he was a baby he tore off his diaper,
Danced around the room with a zoom and a laugh,
Like Tasmanian Devil destroyed all in his path,
Nothing can stop him- just maybe some ice cream,
Spiked with vanilla, yes mommy was quite mean,
Little Cocoa would drop, followed by gentle snoring,
The little chocolate wonder she was always adoring,
She would run him a bath and watch the water turn dark,
Everything turned chocolate wherever he parked,
At school it was weird- the girls tried to lick him,
The boys armed with marshmallows and kindling would stick him,
So Cocoa would flee like a bee that just stung him,
And took to home schooling before he was done-in,
As he got older he started to crackle,
Holes in his arms that would have to be spackled,
His skin turning white and his fingers were crumbly,
He was falling apart and he would stare at it dumbly,
Nothing he could do but roll up and coil,
While his mom wrapped him up in aluminum foil,
"I'll keep you in the freezer, don't worry little angel,"
She kissed him and promised she'd keep him from danger,
So Cocoa was stored in low temperatures freezing,
He developed a cough and couldn't stop wheezing,
But the crumbling had stopped for the moment at least,
But so had his heart which had finally ceased,
A year or so later, Cocoa The Kid,
Was resting quite comfortably under a lid,
Placed in some tupperware that used to hold chowder,
Cocoa the Kid, now a brilliant powder

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